Rajdeep Singh.

How to install flatpak in Ubuntu ( 22.04 )?

Install flatpak application distribution manager in your Ubuntu machine.

By ubuntu-22.04 1 min read

Flatpak is a Linux application distribution manager similar to the snap store. Flatpak is faster than the snap pack.

If you have a snap store user, you face an application crash in ubuntu. On but another hand, flatpak is fast, with less downtime and less application crashing.

In the article, I guide you to install flatpak in your ubuntu step by step.

  1. Install Flatpak
  2. Configure Flatpak plugin
  3. Configure Flathub repository

Install flatpak

In this way, you can install flatpak in Ubuntu 18.10 or the latest version.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install flatpak

Configure flatpak plugin

You config the genome plugin in ubuntu, and you install flatpak with GUI.

sudo apt install gnome-software-plugin-flatpak

Configure Flathub repository

In this step, you add the flathub repository to your flatpak. So you can install all the available flathub applications with flathub CLI and GUI.

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo


  1. https://flatpak.org/setup/Ubuntu
  2. https://flathub.org/home


I recommended to use flatpak instead of snap. But with flatpak, you have enough space for your application. The flatpak use lot more space as compared to snap. But with, the snap application opens slowly and sometimes, the Linux applications crash. Maybe your data is lost.

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