Rajdeep Singh.

hr tag In HTML5

hr tag Define Horizontal Rule in the web page.

By html 1 min read

The HTML <hr> element represents a horizontal Rule or a Create a Page break Between Tow Element on html page.

The <hr> tag is an empty tag and it does not require an end tag.



Attribute Value Description

Example 1

        <title>HTML hr tag</title> 
        <p>horizontal First Element after this  paragraph.</p> 
        <p>horizontal Second Element before End here</p> 
  	<p>horizontal Three Element before End here</p> 

Example 2

        <title>HTML hr tag with attributes</title> 
        <p>horizontal First Normal Element</p> 
        <p>horizontal Second Element with height of 20 pixels</p> 
        <hr size="20"> 
        <p>horizontal Third Element with height of 30 pixels and noshade.</p> 
        <hr size="20" noshade> 

Example 3

        <title>HTML hr Style</title> 
        <p>horizontal First Normal Element</p> 
        <hr style="height:30px">     
	<p>horizontal Second Element With Style</p> 
        <hr style="height:30%"> 
        <p>horizontal third Element With Style</p> 
        <hr style="width:300px"> 