Rajdeep Singh.

Install Vscode Editor in Raspberry pi 4

visual studio is free open-source software.

By raspberry 2 min read

Vscode(visual studio code) is a free, open-source code editor developed by Microsoft. vscode editor provides lots of extensions to improve your code writing speed. vscode editor also helps in debugging.


Language support

vscode editor support all languages. Like HTML, CSS, javaScript, PHP, Typescript, Python, Co, c, c++, Rust, Perl, Sass, and other languages as well.


Vscode IntelliSense helps with syntax highlighting and autocomplete. IntelliSense provides smart completions based on variable types, function definitions, and imported modules.


vscode provides Debug functionality in vscode. You also set breakpoints inside the vscode editor.

Git Commands Support

vscode editor working with git and other version control systems. You easily pull and push code from the editor.

Extensible and customizable

Install extensions to add new languages, themes, debuggers, and connect to additional services.vscode extensions always run separately. vscode extension doesn't slow down your editor.


You can deploy and host your react, angular, Vue, Node, Python sites, and other sites.

Install Vscode in Raspberry Pi 4:

Download page of vscode

Follow steps

download vscode based on the edition


  1. If your use the Raspberry Pi OS 32-bit edition system. Then you download the ARM version.
  2. If your use the Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit edition. Then download ARM 64 version.

open file in file manager

click to package install

Click install button

After you click on the install button, open a raspberry authentication prompt box and enter your user password.

Add password

Your password successfully submits after your vscode installation start.

The installation process has started

vscode installation running after a few minutes (2-3 minutes) your vscode install successfully.

Open your vscode in raspberry pi 4

Open your vscode with 3 ways

  1. Firstly

Open vscode in raspberry pi 4

Click Raspberry pi icon > Programming > Click Visual Studio Code. after your vscode run.

  1. Secondly

Open vscode in raspberry pi 4

Raspberry pi icon > Accessories > Click Visual Studio Code. after your vscode run.

  1. Third

open vscode

Open your currently working folder and run vscode Command. in a few seconds, your folder files in vscode.