Rajdeep Singh.

What is the NPM init command?

Npm init command is the first learning stage of npm.

By npm 3 min read

Npm is the node package manager for JavaScript. The npm help manage code and share code with others developers. We start the Npm series for beginners to pro-level developers.

Our first command is the npm init command. Next, create a package.json file in the folder.

npm init <Options>


  1. npm init --yes or -y
  2. npm init aliases or create aliases
  3. npm init -w

npm init --yes or-y

The npm init command help to create a node.js setup for the developer. In step-up, the init command creates a package.json file and add a basic configuration related to the project in the package.json file.

npm init -y

Npm init -y flag is most common flag in npm. lots of developers use it daily in the day. -y flag help to create an essential step up with the package.json file.

Inside the package.json file, eight properties by default define it.

	"name": "npmtest",
	"version": "1.0.0",
	"description": "",
	"main": "index.js",
	"scripts": {
		"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
	"keywords": [],
	"author": "",
	"license": "ISC"
  1. Name help to define the name of the project.
  2. Version help to define the version of your project or app.
  3. Description help to define a small introduction of your project.
  4. The main property tells which is the project's entry point.
  5. Script help to define the different command for npm.
  6. Keywords help for searching and indexing package on npmjs.org.
  7. The author help define the authorship of the project.
  8. License help define your project's licensing.

npm init aliases or create aliases

Most of the time, many people use a create an alias. The create aliases are the most common alias for react.js developers. So if you are a react.js developer, most of the time, you use it to create an alias.

npx create-react-app my-app
npx create-next-app@latest

With the npm init command, you can install the direct package from npmjs.org.

For example, purpose creates a nextjs app with npm init. By default, npm init create an alias.

npm init next-app

In creating an alias, you do not need to mention create prefixes at the front of the command. Init command by default use creates prefix. It runs the create-next-app@latest version.

Your init next-app command output looks like.

npm init create-next-app

npm init -w

npm init -w command is similar to npm init -w. but npm init -w command help to set up your workspace with the project.

	"name": "npmtest",
	"version": "1.0.0",
	"description": "",
	"main": "index.js",
	"scripts": {
		"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
	"keywords": [],
	"author": "",
	"license": "ISC",
	"workspaces": [

npm init -w command add workspaces option in package.json file—the workspace help for IDE.




NPM init is the most used command in npm. Many developers use the init command to set up new projects with the default configuration.

Many YouTubers and writers use the npm init -y flag or the option to set up npm new project. Because npm init -y comes with straightforward syntax, the second reason is that it is straightforward to use compared to npm init -w.