Rajdeep Singh.

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Best way to install zoom in your ubuntu

Install zoom in your Ubuntu ( 22.04 ) with easy ways

How to install brave browser in Ubuntu ( 22.04 )

Install the brave browser in Ubuntu with easy steps.

How to install chromium in ubuntu?

Chromium is an open-source web browser for Linux users. you install chromium without the use of a third-party package manager in ubuntu.

How to install deno in linux?

Install deno in linux with easy ways.

How to install Filezilla in ubuntu?

You Install FileZilla in ubuntu with a single command.

How to install flatpak in Ubuntu ( 22.04 )?

Install flatpak application distribution manager in your Ubuntu machine.

How to Install Go language in Raspberry pi 4 and Ubuntu?

Go language is a low-level language developed by Google. You can install go language in ubuntu and raspberry pi with one command.

How to install neovim IDE in Raspberry pi 4 and Ubuntu?

The neovim terminal base Linux IDE. neovim provide terminal base Code written Experience

How to install rust language in raspberry pi 4 and ubuntu?

Install the Rust language in the Linux distros.

How to install sublime text IDE in Ubuntu?

A sublime text editor is a lite weight IDE for all ecosystems like Windows, Mac, and Linux distro.

How to Record sound in Ubuntu?

Download the Debian base sound recorder app in Ubuntu and as well raspberry pi 4

How to install VLC Media player in ubuntu?

VLC media is free, open-source software to watch videos on ubuntu and any Linux distro. VLC provides a lot of features of users with an easily understandable UI interface.

Six trusted places where you Buy Linux laptops

Linux manufacturers and distro show a major role in promoting Linux. Now Linux distro also targets beginner people with greater Ui. Various manufacturers target, These Distro and build Linux hardware for them.

Test internet speed in ubuntu and raspberry pi 4 with CLI tool

You use Google to check whether the internet is working or not. Right now your life is changing you run a simple command to check internet speed on Ubuntu and Raspberry pi 4.